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What Is Your Ideal Kindergarten Environment?

2021-11-27 00:00:00
Is it a playground with all kinds of play equipment and toys or a Colorful Hardbound style? Is it a spacious and bright classroom style or a natural rural style?
Koji Tezuka, a well-known Japanese architect, once said: "the style and form of a building will in turn affect the people inside." this is especially true for the design of kindergartens.

01 Natural

Kindergarten Environment (1)0lz
What children in cities lack most is not books or toys, but the opportunity to get in close contact with nature.
As a place for children to start socialization, kindergartens should, to some extent, assume the function of letting children get close to nature.

02 interaction

In kindergartens, the environment is like a teacher who can't speak. It silently links with children and makes the environment become children's own environment. The environment with interactive factors is easier to attract children to operate and explore and make them an active learner.

03 change

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Children are constantly developing. Their needs and interests, individual experience and development level are constantly changing.
Therefore, the kindergarten environment with children's perspective must be full of change, vitality and dynamics, so as to ensure the sustainable development of kindergarten activities.

04 Difference

Kindergarten Environment (3)b6u
The geographical and cultural environment of kindergarten is different, so its own characteristics and functions are also different.
This requires the kindergarten to give full play to the advantages of the environment as much as possible when designing the environment, make rational and full use of this advantage, and organically integrate the environment with children's experience and curriculum.

05 Challenge 

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Psychologist Piaget believes that children's thinking development is highly related to their action development. If children lack enough action practice, the development of their thinking ability will also be affected.
Therefore, the creation of kindergarten environment should be challenging, adventurous and wild.
Kindergarten Environment (5)bxr
The environmental creation of kindergartens not only needs the preset of teachers, but also needs to respect children, take children's needs as needs, children's concerns as concerns and children's interests as interests, fully accompany and support children, and provide children with a more friendly learning and growth environment.