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Don't You Know the Design Concepts of These Children's Outdoor Activities?

2022-05-05 00:00:00
The most important place where the game takes place, the most open place, and the place that is most close to nature is the outdoors.
Outdoor activities show the growth state of children, and the state of bravery, independence, concentration, sunshine, health and harmony that children show in the game is particularly important to their growth and development.
A child's growth and budding must begin at a young age, from the trees he climbs and the holes he drills. So, what concepts need to be grasped in the design of outdoor activities?

Nature is education

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Nature supports children to make full use of natural resources to achieve self-growth, and becomes a medium and bridge to explore the world.
As long as it is on the scene of outdoor activities, whether the child is climbing, crawling, or jumping, it is the combination of man and nature, which is the state of "harmony between man and nature" described by the ancients of China.

Movement is Personality

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Early childhood sports are by no means limited to the exercise of physical abilities, but contain educational treasures of mind, emotion, and even personality and conduct.
Children can form a stimulating experience and a sense of honor during sports. Similarly, the quality of persistence in difficult situations can also be obtained during sports, so sports are personality.

Difference is fair

In the process of outdoor sports, children must be untidy. This kind of difference is not as unified as group teaching, which just expresses the fair concept of outdoor activities.
As long as every child actively participates in games, they are exploring, developing, and learning, and they are expressing their participation and interest in games at their highest level, so games are the fairest development.
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Autonomy as hierarchy

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In the game, each child is autonomous, and each child is showing his own development level. He must be doing things that are consistent with his ability and strength, but slightly higher than the current level.
Children are constantly creating their own stimulating development in games, so autonomy is level, and games are the best way for us to teach children and promote their learning.

Liberation is Guidance

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The more autonomous children are, the more they can fully release their own wishes and interests. Sometimes silent attention is a kind of encouragement, a kind of tacit understanding, a kind of support, and a kind of promotion of children's games.
In the active game scene, when children are autonomous, let them fully exert their autonomy. This is the best state of the game, so liberation is guidance.