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Being Friendly to Children Is Friendly to the Future

2022-01-03 17:47:30
Children Is Friendly (1)f3l
Children are the beautiful flower
We wish them to learn happily and grown up happily
Being friendly to children is friendly to the future
Child friendliness refers to the provision of appropriate conditions, environment and services for children's growth and development, and the effective protection of children's rights to survival, development, protection and participation.
2021 is the first year that the construction of child friendly cities is written into the national development plan, and 2022 will be the year of concrete promotion of child friendly cities.
Child friendly practice
It started with "child friendly city"
Children's friendly city is to put children at the center of the goal, adhere to children's priority development, start from the perspective of children, take children's needs as the guidance, and take children's better growth as the goal.
On March 11, 2021, the fourth session of the 13th National People's Congress voted and adopted the resolution on the 14th five year plan for national economic and social development of the people's Republic of China and the outline of long-term objectives for 2035, and the construction of Children Friendly Cities was officially written into the national development plan.
Children Is Friendly (2)uaw
On October 15, 2021, 23 departments including the national development and Reform Commission and the Ministry of housing and urban rural development jointly issued the guidance on promoting the construction of child friendly cities. It is planned to carry out 100 pilot projects for the construction of child friendly cities nationwide.
Children Is Friendly (3)2fs
Child friendly practice
Not only the creation of "child friendly city"
Child friendliness has the characteristics of omni-directional and systematization, involving children's rights, children's services, children's products, children's space and children's policies.
In addition to "hard facilities" -- in terms of municipal construction and public buildings, increase children's activity space and entertainment facilities, there should also be "soft services" -- in terms of education, medical treatment, culture and sports, improve service quality and take better care of children.
Children Is Friendly (4)ws4
For example, effectively reduce the academic burden of students and give children more time to participate in offline games, physical exercise, labor practice, science and technology experience and other activities.
For parents, to make their children grow up in a safe, healthy and happy environment, they must have the protection of family, school, society and so on.
Child friendly practice
It needs the participation of family, school and society
Child friendly practice requires the efforts of families, schools, communities and even the whole society to provide an environment suitable for children's survival and development, remove various obstacles to children's development, and create a friendly educational ecology and growth environment for children, so as to truly promote children's happy growth.
Families, schools and society should respect the law of children's physical and mental development, listen to children's voices, and strive to create a home school collaborative education model suitable for children's survival and development. Every family, school and community should take "child friendly" as the direction and be proud of it.
The cause of child friendship needs to be based on China's national conditions, gather all forces of child friendship, investigate the current situation and needs, put forward opinions and standards, reach consensus and action plan, and launch practical cases and benchmarks.
Children are the living force of future urban development. Kaiqi, from the perspective of children, creates a more friendly children's activity space, awakens the new vitality of the city, and makes the relationship between space and human settlement more comfortable and friendly.